2025 Budget - General Fund

Total: $424,139,843.51
General Fund Categories
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Animal Control - Total: $164,438.08
Enforces animal ordinances and controls nuisance wildlife. Most ordinances are dog-related, ensuring that dogs are properly vaccinated and licensed every year.
Personal Services
0129251 510130 OVERTIME $4,128.00
0129251 510140 LONGEVITY $2,000.00
0129251 510141 SHIFT DIFF $517.08
0129251 510149 UNIFORM $1,000.00
0129251 512309 ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER $80,092.00
0129251 512310 ASST. ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER $60,201.00
Totals: $147,938.08
0129252 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $10,000.00
0129252 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $1,500.00
Totals: $11,500.00
0129254 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,000.00
0129254 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $4,000.00
Totals: $5,000.00


Assessors - Total: $1,521,423.36
Values more than 27,000 properties and determines each property's tax. Administers over 74,000 motor vehicle and boat excise bills and oversees all property tax exemptions. Accounts for 75% of the City's funding revenue.
Personal Services
0114151 510008 CHAIRPERSON, BOARD OF ASSESSOR $159,135.00
0114151 510009 BOARD OF ASSESSOR(S) $229,414.10
0114151 510011 DEPUTY COMMERCIAL ASSESSOR $136,856.10
0114151 510123 PRINCIPAL CLERK I $48,337.00
0114151 510124 PRINCIPAL CLERK II $57,135.66
0114151 510130 OVERTIME $1,615.00
0114151 510140 LONGEVITY $775.00
0114151 510193 PREMIUM PAY $780.00
0114151 512034 STUDENT INTERN $6,000.00
0114151 512118 HEAD CLERK $64,547.00
0114151 512144 ASSESSMENT SUPERVISOR $85,243.00
0114151 512147 METHODOLOGIST/APPRAISER $100,785.50
Totals: $890,623.36
0114152 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $10,300.00
0114152 530303 CONTRACTED $300,000.00
0114152 530330 REQ'D REVAL APPRAISAL SOFTWARE $300,000.00
Totals: $610,300.00
0114154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $8,000.00
0114154 570100 TRAVEL IN STATE $10,000.00
0114154 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $2,500.00
Totals: $20,500.00


Celebrations - Total: $300,000.00
Pays for community events including Flag Day, the annual Christmas Parade, the Lunar New Year Festival, as well as holiday decorations.
0169254 570800 CELEBRATIONS $300,000.00
Totals: $300,000.00


Cemetery - Total: $1,246,639.00
Operates and maintains six cemeteries. Ensures that burial is handled professionally and with compassion for the living and respect for the deceased.
Personal Services
0149151 510130 OVERTIME $130,000.00
0149151 510140 LONGEVITY $2,000.00
0149151 510189 CLOTHING $15,625.00
0149151 510192 TOOL ALLOWANCE $1,920.00
0149151 512072 SUMMER HELP $30,000.00
0149151 512118 HEAD CLERK $72,774.00
0149151 512404 GEN.FOREMAN-TIMEKEEPER $90,786.00
0149151 512410 MASON $63,280.00
0149151 512416 LAB,HVY MEO II $116,568.00
0149151 512438 WKG.FOREMAN-HVY.MEO $63,280.00
0149151 512451 FOREMAN $166,844.00
0149151 512465 M.E.REPAIR II $72,312.00
0149151 512600 LABORER, GARDENER $251,190.00
0149151 512601 CEMETERY MAINT.MAN $106,240.00
Totals: $1,182,819.00
0149152 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $17,500.00
Totals: $17,500.00
0149154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,200.00
0149154 540600 GROUNDSKPNG SUPPLIES $30,000.00
0149154 540800 VEHICULAR SUPPLIES $15,000.00
0149154 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $120.00
Totals: $46,320.00


Census - Total: $100,000.00
Conducts an annual local census of Quincy residents.
0116854 570800 UNCLASSIFIED $100,000.00
Totals: $100,000.00


City Council - Total: $785,510.55
Authorizes public improvements and expenditures; adopts regulations and ordinances; reviews and approves the City's annual budget; manages related legislative tasks.
Personal Services
0111151 510002 CITY COUNCILLOR $334,415.77
0111151 510003 CITY AUDITOR $143,772.85
0111151 510025 ADMIN.ASST.TO COUNCIL $67,545.80
0111151 510026 CLERK OF COMMITTEES $101,173.64
0111151 510140 LONGEVITY $1,950.00
0111151 510156 CLERK $2,007.69
0111151 510193 PREMIUM PAY $2,349.00
0111151 512143 ADMIN. ASSISTANT $67,545.80
Totals: $720,760.55
0111152 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $2,750.00
0111152 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $20,500.00
0111152 530608 COMMUNICATIONS-AT LARGE $1,000.00
0111152 530609 COMMUNICATIONS-AT LARGE $1,000.00
0111152 530700 COMMUNICATIONS-AT LARGE $1,000.00
0111152 530701 COMMUNICATIONS-WARD I $5,000.00
0111152 530702 COMMUNICATIONS-WARD II $5,000.00
0111152 530703 COMMUNICATIONS-WARD III $5,000.00
0111152 530704 COMMUNICATIONS-WARD IV $5,000.00
0111152 530705 COMMUNICATIONS-WARD V $5,000.00
0111152 530706 COMMUNICATIONS-WARD VI $5,000.00
Totals: $56,250.00
0111154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $8,000.00
0111154 570304 CONFERENCES $500.00
Totals: $8,500.00


Clerk - Total: $548,488.00
Oversees daily operations of both the Vital statistics and elections departments and manages the Licensing Board. Clerk for the City Council, responsible for keeping City records and Campaign Finance reports.
Personal Services
0116151 510130 OVERTIME $10,000.00
0116151 510140 LONGEVITY $2,700.00
0116151 510142 EDUCATION PAY $2,192.00
0116151 510193 PREMIUM PAY $780.00
0116151 512010 CITY CLERK $159,135.00
0116151 512011 ASSISTANT CITY CLERK $91,743.00
0116151 512099 PUBLIC RECORDS OFFICER/ADMIN S $73,052.00
0116151 512123 PRINCIPAL CLERK I $58,900.00
0116151 512140 CLERK TYPIST $45,936.00
Totals: $444,438.00
0116152 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $300.00
0116152 530400 COMMUNICATION $20,000.00
0116152 530800 OTHER PURCHASED SERV $78,000.00
Totals: $98,300.00
0116154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $5,000.00
0116154 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $750.00
Totals: $5,750.00


Collection & Disposal - Total: $9,995,099.00
Collects and disposes of solid waste, household hazardous waste, recyclables, and yard waste in a manner that is environmentally sound, cost-effective, and safe, promoting a healthy environment.
0143352 530310 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL $3,209,785.00
0143352 530311 COLLECTION SOLID WASTE $5,124,914.00
0143352 530314 30 YARD CONTAINERS $12,000.00
0143352 530316 ELECTRONIC DISPOSAL $50,000.00
0143352 530317 HOUSEHOLD HAZ MAT $50,000.00
0143352 530318 RECYCLE BINS $15,000.00
0143352 530320 PROMO/ADVERTSING $45,000.00
0143352 530326 RECYCLABLE MATERIAL MANAGEMENT $1,478,400.00
0143352 530327 STREET SWEEPINGS DISPOSAL $10,000.00
Totals: $9,995,099.00


Council On Aging - Total: $1,009,501.00
Provides a myriad of services to our senior citizens.
Personal Services
0154151 510110 SALARY/WAGE PERM. $13,027.00
0154151 510130 OVERTIME $1,615.00
0154151 510140 LONGEVITY $6,901.00
0154151 510193 PREMIUM PAY $780.00
0154151 510729 SR. CLERK TYPIST I $32,739.00
0154151 512119 HEAD ADMINISTRATIVE CLERK $90,985.00
0154151 512246 DIRECTOR-COUNCIL ON AGING $127,308.00
0154151 512610 SOCIAL SERVICES TECHNICIAN $60,317.00
0154151 512611 SOCIAL SERVICE AGENT $148,526.00
0154151 512800 SOCIAL SERVICES TECHNICIAN $428,308.00
0154151 512900 SWAP PROGRAM $35,450.00
Totals: $945,956.00
0154152 520000 PURCHASE SERVICES $1,500.00
0154152 520400 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE $1,500.00
0154152 520406 REPAIRS:VEHICLES $8,000.00
0154152 530303 CONTRACTUAL $48,800.00
Totals: $59,800.00
0154154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $3,000.00
0154154 540202 POSTAGE/STATIONERY $220.00
0154154 570300 DUES-SUBSCRIPTIONS $400.00
0154154 570303 MEMBERSHIPS $125.00
Totals: $3,745.00


Court Judgments - Total: $350,000.00
Funds court-ordered judgments and negotiated settlements.
0194154 570600 JUDGMENTS $50,000.00
0194154 570601 SETTLEMENTS $300,000.00
Totals: $350,000.00


Debt Service - Total: $57,548,774.00
0170059 590101 PRINCIPAL LONG-TERM SCHOOLS $4,537,242.00
0170059 590103 PRINCIPAL LONG-TERM OTHER $17,684,416.00
0170059 590109 PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS $17,288,150.00
0170059 590151 INTEREST LONG-TERM SCHOOLS $4,154,326.00
0170059 590153 INTEREST LONG-TERM OTHER $13,884,640.00
Totals: $57,548,774.00


Department of Grant Management - Total: $444,443.25
Responsible for identifying and managing grant opportunities, while ensuring compliance and offering support to various City departments. Additionally, the department administers and reports on federal funding opportunities.
Personal Services
0113351 510404 DIRECTOR OF GRANT MANAGEMENT $122,003.25
0113351 510405 GRANT FUNDS MANAGER $95,000.00
0113351 512245 GRANT WRITER $100,940.00
Totals: $317,943.25
0113352 530303 CONTRACTED $50,000.00
0113352 530345 GRANT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE $50,000.00
Totals: $100,000.00
0113354 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $5,000.00
0113354 560302 AUDIT OF MUNI ACCOUNTING $10,000.00
0113354 570200 TRAVEL OUT OF STATE $5,000.00
0113354 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $1,500.00
0113354 570304 CONFERENCES $5,000.00
Totals: $26,500.00


Downtown District - Total: $806,550.60
Maintains and oversees all new assets in the downtown. Assets include Hancock Adams Common, Kilroy square, Generals Park, General dunford drive, McConville Way, perimeters of the Hancock parking garage.
Personal Services
0164051 510130 OVERTIME $50,000.00
0164051 510402 DOWNTOWN COORDINATOR $120,185.00
0164051 512073 LEAD TECHNICIAN $94,986.60
0164051 512074 MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN $328,879.00
Totals: $594,050.60
0164052 530303 CONTRACTED $180,000.00
Totals: $180,000.00
0164054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,500.00
0164054 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $10,000.00
0164054 550800 OTHER SUPPLIES $20,000.00
Totals: $32,500.00


Drain Department - Total: $1,762,006.84
Maintenance and repairs on the City's drainage system, as well as pumping operations during flood emergencies.
Personal Services
0145051 510117 HEAD CLERK $13,457.00
0145051 510120 SALARY/WAGE TEMP $17,429.00
0145051 510130 OVERTIME $94,938.00
0145051 510140 LONGEVITY $1,681.00
0145051 510141 SHIFT DIFF $11,000.00
0145051 510142 EDUCATION PAY $1,571.00
0145051 510147 HAZARDOUS DUTY $1,000.00
0145051 510153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $2,000.00
0145051 510155 1139 PENSION FUND $33,401.00
0145051 510188 MEALS ALLOWANCE $5,000.00
0145051 510189 CLOTHING $17,000.00
0145051 510193 PREMIUM PAY $195.00
0145051 510195 PAYMENT-OUT-OF-GRADE $5,191.00
0145051 510196 POLICE DETAILS $10,388.00
0145051 510319 PROJECT MANAGER $20,417.81
0145051 510320 GIS ADMINISTRATOR $21,218.00
0145051 510322 GIS TECHNICIAN $17,239.62
0145051 512030 OPERATIONS MANAGER $28,113.85
0145051 512082 HEAD PUMPING STATION OPERATOR $16,341.00
0145051 512112 CITY ENGINEER $34,841.81
0145051 512402 GENERAL FOREMAN $64,808.00
0145051 512403 SUPERINTENDENT $39,783.75
0145051 512409 LABORER $20,326.00
0145051 512413 LABORER, MEO $33,568.00
0145051 512415 LAB,HVY MEO I $7,884.00
0145051 512418 VIDEO TECHNICIAN $11,368.00
0145051 512419 PIPELAYER, BRACER $10,463.00
0145051 512422 SPECIAL MEO,LABORER $149,328.00
0145051 512425 W/S MAINT.CRAFTSMAN $46,044.00
0145051 512428 W/S MAINT.MAN $10,886.00
0145051 512437 WKG.FOREMAN,SP.MEO $26,815.00
0145051 512440 W.F.W/S MAINT.CRAFTSMAN $28,323.00
0145051 512442 W.F.-W/S MAINT.MAN $14,462.00
0145051 512448 DISPATCHER $22,821.00
0145051 512449 PUMPING STATION OPERATOR $22,450.00
0145051 512450 PUMPING STATION ATTENDANT $19,353.00
0145051 512451 FOREMAN $18,045.00
0145051 512792 WKG. FOREMAN-TOOLKEEPER $13,606.00
Totals: $912,756.84
0145052 520100 ENERGY $38,500.00
0145052 520401 REPAIRS:OTHER $13,750.00
0145052 520403 REPAIRS/PUMP STATION $75,000.00
0145052 520409 REPAIRS:CATCH BASINS $30,000.00
0145052 520411 REPAIRS:TIDE GATES $95,000.00
0145052 520412 CATCH BASIN CLEANING $135,000.00
0145052 520413 DISPOSAL CATCH BASIN-CLEANINGS $35,000.00
0145052 520421 MS4 COMPLIANCE $130,000.00
0145052 520422 STREET SWEEPING $20,000.00
0145052 520700 RENTALS/LEASES $15,000.00
0145052 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $90,000.00
0145052 530003 INFRASTRUCTURE/TECHNICAL $5,000.00
0145052 530202 SAFETY TRAINING $10,000.00
0145052 530303 CONTRACTED $90,000.00
0145052 530400 COMMUNICATION $2,500.00
0145052 530805 MOSQUITO CONTROL $20,000.00
Totals: $804,750.00
0145054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,000.00
0145054 540800 VEHICULAR SUPPLIES $5,000.00
0145054 550000 SUPPLY:HEALTH/MEDIC. $1,000.00
0145054 550300 PUB WORKS SUPPLIES $35,000.00
0145054 570100 TRAVEL IN STATE $500.00
0145054 570200 TRAVEL OUT OF STATE $500.00
0145054 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $500.00
Totals: $44,500.00


Education - Total: $134,186,467.00
Educates close to 10,000 students attending school in eleven elementary schools, five middle schools, two high schools, an early childhood center, and a comprehensive extended education program. (Known for its long-standing tradition of innovative curriculum and excellence in public education.)
01300 590700 EDUCATION $134,186,467.00
Totals: $134,186,467.00


Elections - Total: $1,196,236.00
Conducts municipal, state, and federal elections. Equips precincts to vote and performs voter registration drives, processes nomination papers, and works with the Central Voter Registration System.
Personal Services
0116251 510130 OVERTIME $50,000.00
0116251 510140 LONGEVITY $175.00
0116251 510142 EDUCATION PAY $1,323.00
0116251 510189 CLOTHING $500.00
0116251 510196 POLICE DETAILS $200,000.00
0116251 510250 EARLY VOTING: OVERTIME $30,115.00
0116251 510251 EARLY VOTING: POLICE DETAILS $15,000.00
0116251 510252 EARLY VOTING: BLDG CUSTODIANS $2,000.00
0116251 512118 HEAD CLERK $62,650.00
0116251 512140 CLERK TYPIST $45,653.00
0116251 512143 ADMIN. ASSISTANT $90,835.00
0116251 512454 BUILDING CUSTODIAN $26,100.00
0116251 512550 REGISTRARS $2,000.00
0116251 512880 ELECTION WORKER $300,000.00
0116251 512883 EARLY VOTING: ELECTION WORKER $35,000.00
Totals: $861,351.00
0116252 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $1,575.00
0116252 520700 RENTALS/LEASES $20,000.00
0116252 520706 EARLY VOTING: RENTALS/LEASES $3,000.00
0116252 520708 RAMP RENTALS $18,000.00
0116252 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $5,250.00
0116252 530400 COMMUNICATION $100,000.00
0116252 530402 EARLY VOTING: COMMUNICATION $35,000.00
0116252 530800 OTHER PURCHASED SERV $15,500.00
0116252 530802 EARLY VOTING: OTHER PURCHASED $360.00
Totals: $198,685.00
0116254 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $25,000.00
0116254 570100 TRAVEL IN STATE $1,200.00
0116258 580500 ACQ.:EQUIPMENT $60,000.00
0116258 580506 EARLY VOTING: EQUIPMENT $50,000.00
Totals: $136,200.00


Emergency Management - Total: $240,601.70
Coordinates the required activities to build and sustain the capabilities necessary to prevent, mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergency situations and disasters, both natural and man-made, utilizing an all-hazards approach.
Personal Services
0129151 510014 DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MANAGEME $116,699.00
0129151 512030 OPERATIONS MANAGER $66,836.70
Totals: $183,535.70
0129152 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $5,000.00
0129152 530400 COMMUNICATION $5,000.00
0129152 530800 OTHER PURCHASED SERV $2,000.00
0129152 530806 EMERGENCY PREP. $25,600.00
Totals: $37,600.00
0129154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,000.00
0129154 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $5,000.00
0129154 540800 VEHICULAR SUPPLIES $5,000.00
0129154 540900 FOOD SUPPLIES $3,000.00
0129154 570304 CONFERENCES $5,000.00
0129154 570400 INSURANCE PREMIUMS $466.00
Totals: $19,466.00


Engineer - Total: $1,096,066.62
Oversees road construction and rehabilitation projections, maintains surveying information, issues house numbers, and works with other departments to compile data and reports.
Personal Services
0141151 510120 SALARY/WAGE TEMP $2,894.00
0141151 510130 OVERTIME $95,250.00
0141151 510140 LONGEVITY $3,550.00
0141151 510142 EDUCATION PAY $34,258.00
0141151 510319 PROJECT MANAGER $20,417.81
0141151 510320 GIS ADMINISTRATOR $21,218.00
0141151 510910 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT $1,000.00
0141151 512034 STUDENT INTERN $5,150.00
0141151 512093 ADMIN. SECRETARY $77,998.00
0141151 512112 CITY ENGINEER $34,841.81
0141151 512459 JR.CIVIL ENGINEER $426,365.00
0141151 512461 SR.CIVIL ENGINEER $309,174.00
Totals: $1,032,116.62
0141152 520400 REPAIRS/MAINTENANCE $3,200.00
0141152 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $15,000.00
0141152 530303 CONTRACTED $30,000.00
0141152 530306 LICENSE FOR SOFTWARE $10,000.00
0141152 530400 COMMUNICATION $750.00
0141152 530800 OTHER PURCHASED SERV $1,000.00
Totals: $59,950.00
0141154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,500.00
0141154 540800 VEHICULAR SUPPLIES $1,500.00
Totals: $4,000.00


Fire Safety - Total: $35,402,349.16
Responds to threats from fires, accidents, disasters, and medical emergencies.
Personal Services
0122051 510130 OVERTIME $2,269,029.00
0122051 510140 LONGEVITY $90,000.00
0122051 510141 SHIFT DIFF $4,589,267.00
0122051 510142 EDUCATION DIFFERENTIAL $1,585,033.00
0122051 510143 ENHANCED LONGEVITY $41,862.08
0122051 510146 EMT(FIRE) $445,315.00
0122051 510147 HDF(FIRE) $2,269,814.00
0122051 510150 HOLIDAY(POLICE FIRE) $1,938,983.00
0122051 510157 BUSINESS MANAGER I $122,003.50
0122051 510193 PREMIUM PAY $13,782.00
0122051 510198 FIRE DETAIL $35,000.00
0122051 512105 FIRE CHIEF $197,693.08
0122051 512175 SECRETARY TO FIRE CHIEF $79,567.50
0122051 512320 DEPUTY FIRE CHIEF $727,843.00
0122051 512321 FIRE CAPTAIN $1,742,106.00
0122051 512322 FIRE LIEUTENANT $4,345,756.00
0122051 512323 FIREFIGHTER 3 $13,563,593.00
0122051 512325 SUPT. OF FIRE ALARM $137,135.00
0122051 512326 MASTER MECHANIC $118,247.00
0122051 512334 PC TECHNICIAN $80,450.00
0122051 512417 MOTOR EQUIP.REPAIRMAN $79,870.00
Totals: $34,472,349.16
0122052 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $200,000.00
0122052 520507 FIRE-HAZARDOUS WASTE RECOVERIE $2,000.00
0122052 530001 PROF.SERV.:MEDIC. $50,000.00
0122052 530204 TRAINING & RESEARCH(FIRE) $80,000.00
0122052 530303 CONTRACTED $150,000.00
0122052 530400 COMMUNICATION $100,000.00
Totals: $582,000.00
0122054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $6,000.00
0122054 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $75,000.00
0122054 550100 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $5,000.00
0122054 550801 FIREFIGHTING $250,000.00
0122054 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $12,000.00
Totals: $348,000.00


Health Inspection Svcs - Total: $1,931,962.00
Provides services and programs to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Quincy's citizens. enforces all local and state public health and environmental regulations for prevention and control of disease; protects against environmental health hazards; designs programs to improve the health of the lives of Quincy residents.
Personal Services
0151051 510130 OVERTIME $25,096.00
0151051 510140 LONGEVITY $2,875.00
0151051 510142 EDUCATION INCENTIVE $17,350.00
0151051 510149 UNIFORM $1,545.00
0151051 510153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $17,000.00
0151051 510189 CLOTHING $500.00
0151051 512017 COMM. OF PUBLIC HEALTH $137,917.00
0151051 512093 ADMIN. SECRETARY $85,404.00
0151051 512123 PRINCIPAL CLERK I $56,635.00
0151051 512189 TOBACCO COMPLIANCE OFFICER $43,062.00
0151051 512607 NURSE $153,276.00
0151051 512608 FOOD INSPECTOR $148,008.00
0151051 512609 NURSE COORDINATOR $77,454.00
0151051 512612 HEALTH INSPECTOR $68,706.00
0151051 512615 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR $93,000.00
0151051 512616 SANITARIAN $175,282.00
0151051 512790 OUTREACH/TRANSLATOR $68,330.00
0151051 512887 CHIEF SANITARIAN $106,122.00
Totals: $1,277,562.00
0151052 520008 PUMP-OUT BOAT:ENERGY $10,000.00
0151052 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $30,000.00
0151052 530303 CONTRACTED $39,000.00
0151052 530803 ANIMAL/PEST CONTROL $550,000.00
Totals: $629,000.00
0151054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,000.00
0151054 550000 SUPPLY:HEALTH/MEDIC. $10,000.00
0151054 550100 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $10,000.00
0151054 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $3,000.00
0151054 570400 INSURANCE PREMIUMS $400.00
Totals: $25,400.00


Health Insurance - Total: $60,079,142.12
Pays for the City's portion of employee insurance costs as well as a mandatory. Medicare program for all retired City employees seeking health insurance.
Personal Services
0191451 510087 ASSIST BENEFITS COORDINATOR $66,306.00
Totals: $66,306.00
0191454 539209 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT $14,000.00
0191454 570707 MEDICARE REFUNDS $2,662,323.00
0191454 570806 MEDICAL INSURANCE $54,597,462.00
0191454 570807 DENTAL INSURANCE $1,909,662.00
0191454 570808 LIFE INSURANCE $670,354.00
0191454 570809 MISC EMPLOYEE SCREENINGS $105,785.12
0191454 570811 FLEX SPENDING $53,250.00
Totals: $60,012,836.12


Human Resources - Total: $651,209.93
Oversees all employment matters and administers health, life, and dental benefits active and retired City employees.
Personal Services
0115251 510015 PERSONNEL DIRECTOR $159,135.00
0115251 510088 HUMAN RESOURCES GENERALIST $70,000.00
0115251 510130 OVERTIME $5,425.00
0115251 510140 LONGEVITY $1,550.00
0115251 510143 ENHANCED LONGEVITY $45,000.00
0115251 510158 PERSONNEL ASSISTANT $105,000.00
0115251 510193 PREMIUM PAY $1,560.00
0115251 510243 COORDINATOR $80,659.93
Totals: $468,329.93
0115252 530303 CONTRACTED $175,000.00
Totals: $175,000.00
0115254 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $5,550.00
0115254 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $330.00
0115254 570304 CONFERENCES $2,000.00
Totals: $7,880.00


Information Technology - Total: $4,727,069.50
Provides data-communications and telecommunications services for all City departments. Manages the networks, maintains all IT hardware, provides help desk support, and manages the City's website and phone service.
Personal Services
0115551 510065 MUNIS & SOFTWARE TRAINER $62,059.00
0115551 510130 OVERTIME $97,850.00
0115551 510140 LONGEVITY $8,292.00
0115551 510142 EDUCATION PAY $25,946.00
0115551 510189 CLOTHING $500.00
0115551 512012 DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION TECH $159,135.00
0115551 512097 COMPUTER OPERATOR $53,749.00
0115551 512116 SECRETARY $64,913.00
0115551 512135 TELEPHONE OPERATOR $54,769.00
0115551 512142 D.P.SYSTEMS ANALYST $214,368.00
0115551 512166 OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR $91,743.00
0115551 512184 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS $87,017.00
0115551 512188 SR. PC TECH/AST NETWORK ADMINI $101,705.00
0115551 512194 ERP MANAGER $122,003.50
0115551 512333 NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR $112,641.00
0115551 512334 PC TECHNICIAN $308,114.00
Totals: $1,564,804.50
0115552 520500 COMPUTER EQUIP $136,826.00
0115552 530201 ONLINE TRAINING $25,000.00
0115552 530303 CONTRACTUAL $2,580,439.00
0115552 530400 COMMUNICATION $365,000.00
Totals: $3,107,265.00
0115554 550803 DP SUPPLIES $55,000.00
Totals: $55,000.00


Inspectional Services - Total: $2,295,814.00
Enforces municipal ordinances covering construction, land use, retail scale and scanning accuracy, natural resource protection. The department's objective is to ensure the health and safety of Quincy's citizens.
Personal Services
0124051 510130 OVERTIME $16,490.00
0124051 510140 LONGEVITY $8,720.00
0124051 510142 EDUCATION PAY $14,918.00
0124051 510149 UNIFORM $500.00
0124051 510193 PREMIUM PAY $2,340.00
0124051 512071 COMPLIANCE OFFICER $94,084.00
0124051 512093 ADMIN. SECRETARY $67,541.00
0124051 512100 INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS $106,122.00
0124051 512101 ASSISTANT BUILDING COMMISSIONE $116,699.00
0124051 512102 LOCAL BUILDING INSPECTOR $460,282.00
0124051 512107 PLAN EXAMINER $90,177.00
0124051 512111 ASSISTANT WIRE INSPECTOR $109,769.00
0124051 512116 SECRETARY $67,422.00
0124051 512121 INSP.WEIGHTS & MEASURES $106,090.00
0124051 512122 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER $91,344.00
0124051 512123 PRINCIPAL CLERK I $53,905.00
0124051 512129 SR.CLERK TYPIST II $56,201.00
0124051 512140 CLERK TYPIST $46,768.00
0124051 512145 ELECT DOC LIAISON/FACILITATOR $48,291.00
0124051 512146 PLUMBING & GAS FITTING INSP $123,203.00
0124051 512330 CHIEF WIRE INSPEC. $106,090.00
0124051 512331 CHIEF PLUMBING/GAS INSPEC. $116,699.00
0124051 512698 BOARD CLERK/ZBA $64,930.00
0124051 512730 DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONAL SERVI $159,135.00
Totals: $2,127,720.00
0124052 520406 REPAIRS:VEHICLES $6,392.00
0124052 520500 COMPUTER EQUIP $1,692.00
0124052 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $33,008.00
0124052 530303 CONTRACTED $100,000.00
Totals: $141,092.00
0124054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $9,814.00
0124054 570100 TRAVEL IN STATE $10,800.00
0124054 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $6,388.00
Totals: $27,002.00


Interest Short Term Debt - Total: $8,389,678.00
0175259 590205 INTEREST ON NOTES $8,389,678.00
Totals: $8,389,678.00


Legal Dept - Total: $976,787.50
Advises the Mayor and all department heads regarding day-to-day operational issues. Advises the City Council, Boards, and Commissions regarding their legal questions. Handles litigation pending in all courts and administrative bodies involving the City.
Personal Services
0115151 510020 CITY SOLICITOR $159,135.00
0115151 510021 ASSISTANT CITY SOLICITOR $210,000.00
0115151 510123 PRINCIPAL CLERK I $79,567.50
0115151 510140 LONGEVITY $1,675.00
0115151 510193 PREMIUM PAY $1,560.00
0115151 510316 LEGAL COUNSEL $118,000.00
Totals: $569,937.50
0115152 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $200.00
0115152 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $35,000.00
0115152 530303 CONTRACTED $172,000.00
Totals: $207,200.00
0115154 530010 OUTSIDE COUNSEL $195,000.00
0115154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,650.00
0115154 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $2,000.00
Totals: $199,650.00


Library - Total: $4,367,759.80
Offers wide selection of books, free Internet and wifi; provides public-use computers and laptops; performs print, scan and fax services; manages meeting and study rooms; plans and provides events and classes. A source of community information, books, magazines, movies, and music in both physical and electronic formats.
Personal Services
0161051 510130 OVERTIME $12,165.00
0161051 510140 LONGEVITY $11,638.00
0161051 510141 SHIFT DIFF $90,847.00
0161051 510185 SUNDAY OPENING $64,085.00
0161051 510189 CLOTHING $2,400.00
0161051 510193 PREMIUM PAY $25,618.00
0161051 512019 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY $137,917.00
0161051 512023 DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY $108,212.00
0161051 512035 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY $108,211.80
0161051 512036 SUPERVISOR CHILDREN SERVICES $89,704.00
0161051 512038 CHIEF CATALOGER $89,704.00
0161051 512039 SCHEDULE SUPERVISOR $69,214.00
0161051 512040 ACQUISITION LIBRARIAN $89,704.00
0161051 512041 ARCHIVIST LIBRARIAN $119,451.00
0161051 512042 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN $382,296.00
0161051 512045 CHILDREN'S LIBRARIAN $187,320.00
0161051 512046 BRANCH LIBRARIAN $243,864.00
0161051 512048 ORDER LIBRARIAN ADULT $60,777.00
0161051 512049 TECHNICAL LIBRARIAN $57,473.00
0161051 512050 SENIOR LIBRARY ASST $1,029,286.00
0161051 512061 ADMIN.LIBRARY ASST $69,214.00
0161051 512185 LITERACY PROJECT-LIBRARY $89,704.00
0161051 512454 BUILDING CUSTODIAN $99,319.00
0161051 512457 SENIOR BUILDING CUSTODIAN $57,135.00
0161051 512476 SUPERVISOR OF CUSTODIANS $68,066.00
0161051 512765 CHIEF TECH SERV $89,704.00
0161051 512767 COORDINATOR ADULT&YOUNG ADULT $89,704.00
0161051 512859 SECURITY GUARD $94,508.00
Totals: $3,637,240.80
0161052 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $20,000.00
0161052 520406 REPAIRS:VEHICLES $1,000.00
0161052 520700 RENTALS/LEASES $8,000.00
0161052 530200 TUITION $10,000.00
Totals: $39,000.00
0161054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $20,000.00
0161054 540202 POSTAGE/STATIONERY $250.00
0161054 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $5,000.00
0161054 550103 SUPPLY:LIB.BKS/PERIOD $511,000.00
0161054 570100 TRAVEL IN STATE $1,000.00
0161054 570302 OLD COLONY NETWORK $88,419.00
0161054 570303 MEMBERSHIPS $400.00
0161054 570400 INSURANCE PREMIUMS $65,450.00
Totals: $691,519.00


Licensing Commission - Total: $102,004.00
Division Oversees over 2,900 licenses in 77 categories and generates $400,000 in annual revenue. The board consists of the City Clerk, Health Commissioner, Inspections! Services Director, Police Chief, and Fire Chief.
Personal Services
0116551 510130 OVERTIME $2,377.00
0116551 510142 EDUCATION PAY $3,152.00
0116551 512030 OPERATIONS MANAGER $80,000.00
Totals: $85,529.00
0116552 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $75.00
0116552 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $300.00
0116552 530800 OTHER PURCHASED SERV $15,500.00
Totals: $15,875.00
0116554 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $600.00
Totals: $600.00


Mayor - Total: $1,189,305.54
Provides oversight of all City departments and manages the City's day-to-day operations. Key functions include authorizing expenditures, hiring employees, and negotiating City contracts to keep operations running smoothly day-to- day.
Personal Services
0112151 510001 MAYOR $218,035.94
0112151 510017 DIVERSITY/INCLUSION OFFICER $89,867.50
0112151 510022 EXEC.SEC TO MAYOR $180,353.00
0112151 510023 SECRETARY TO MAYOR $159,135.00
0112151 510024 CONSTITUENT SERVICES $195,205.60
0112151 510140 LONGEVITY $3,250.00
0112151 510153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $7,200.00
0112151 510193 PREMIUM PAY $3,120.00
0112151 510400 DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS $159,135.00
0112151 510401 DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS $122,003.50
Totals: $1,137,305.54
0112152 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $500.00
Totals: $500.00
0112154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $4,800.00
0112154 550104 SUPPLY:GENERAL $2,200.00
0112154 570200 TRAVEL OUT OF STATE $4,500.00
0112154 570301 DUES $40,000.00
Totals: $51,500.00


Medicare - Total: $2,888,348.00
Covers the employer's payroll tax associated with employees paying into the Medicare program.
0191654 560900 F.I.C.A.ASSESSMENT $2,888,348.00
Totals: $2,888,348.00


Municipal Finance - Total: $2,200,811.50
Maintains financial records in compliance with laws and regulations; processes payroll and payments; maintains grant and revenue records; constructs and monitors the budget.
Personal Services
0113551 510010 DIRECTOR OF MUNICIPAL FINANCE $180,353.00
0113551 510027 STRATEGIC ASSET MANAGER $122,003.50
0113551 510114 MANAGER OF ACCOUNTS $138,500.00
0113551 510115 ERP SUPPORT AGENT $79,367.00
0113551 510117 HEAD CLERK $136,150.00
0113551 510130 OVERTIME $5,245.00
0113551 510133 BUSINESS MANAGER $108,723.00
0113551 510140 LONGEVITY $1,275.00
0113551 510142 EDUCATION PAY $1,800.00
0113551 510180 ERP MAIN. STIPEND $20,000.00
0113551 510190 CITY LEAVE BUY BACK $600,000.00
0113551 512034 STUDENT INTERN $10,000.00
0113551 512093 ADMIN. SECRETARY $68,145.00
Totals: $1,471,561.50
0113552 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $250.00
0113552 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $60,000.00
Totals: $60,250.00
0113554 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $7,000.00
0113554 560302 AUDIT OF MUNI ACCOUNTING $225,000.00
0113554 560310 TRANSPARENCY SOFTWARE $25,000.00
0113554 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $12,000.00
0113558 580500 ACQ.:EQUIPMENT $400,000.00
Totals: $669,000.00


Office of Substance Abuse Prev - Total: $147,879.92
Oversees prevention efforts throughout the City and collaborates with community and state providers the treatment and services needs of those impacted by substance use disorder.
Personal Services
0159951 510318 SUBSTANCE ABUSE COORDINATOR $99,879.92
Totals: $99,879.92
0159952 530303 CONTRACTED $33,000.00
0159952 530400 COMMUNICATION $2,000.00
Totals: $35,000.00
0159954 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,000.00
0159954 550100 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $10,000.00
0159954 570100 TRAVEL IN STATE $1,000.00
0159954 570304 CONFERENCES $1,000.00
Totals: $13,000.00


Parks - Total: $4,641,081.88
Maintains more than 52 active and passive park locations. Cares for City beaches, tree inventory, landscaped traffic islands, and school grounds.
Personal Services
0165051 510016 COMMISSIONER NATURAL RESOURCES $180,353.00
0165051 510127 FORESTRY OVERTIME $21,062.00
0165051 510130 OVERTIME $219,134.00
0165051 510140 LONGEVITY $525.00
0165051 510155 1139 PENSION FUND $35,560.00
0165051 510189 CLOTHING $31,250.00
0165051 510192 TOOL ALLOWANCE $2,280.00
0165051 510193 PREMIUM PAY $1,625.00
0165051 512031 PROGRAM MANAGER $106,090.00
0165051 512037 CONTRACT/PROJECT MANAGER $90,176.50
0165051 512072 SUMMER HELP $90,000.00
0165051 512093 ADMIN. SECRETARY $73,052.00
0165051 512109 CPA ADMINISTRATOR $97,602.80
0165051 512338 PARK MAINTENANCE/GARDENER $551,680.00
0165051 512404 GEN.FOREMAN-TIMEKEEPER $200,316.00
0165051 512410 MASON $62,405.00
0165051 512414 HEAVY MEO I $56,838.00
0165051 512416 LAB,HVY MEO II $60,510.00
0165051 512438 WKG.FOREMAN-HVY.MEO $68,021.00
0165051 512443 WKG FORM-LABORER/GARDENER $62,972.00
0165051 512444 WKG FORM - TREE CLIMBER $132,100.00
0165051 512451 FOREMAN $167,667.00
0165051 512465 MOTOR EQUIP REPAIRMAN II $72,312.00
0165051 512605 PARK MAINTENANCE MAN $225,254.00
0165051 512620 GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT $90,697.00
0165051 512621 GOLF COURSE PRO $98,345.00
0165051 512622 GOLF COURSE ADMINSTRATIVE ASST $72,500.00
0165051 512623 GOLF COURSE SEASONAL HELP $90,000.00
0165051 512702 TREE WARDEN $101,295.79
0165051 512703 EARTH SCIENTIST $101,295.79
0165051 512706 LAB/SPRAYER OPERATOR $57,732.00
0165051 512707 COORDINATOR OF HERITAGE $84,872.00
0165051 512708 CARPENTER,PARK MAINT.MAN $61,262.00
0165051 512984 CPA ADMIN OFFSET $-97,603.00
Totals: $3,269,181.88
0165052 520000 PURCHASE SERVICES $5,000.00
0165052 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $135,000.00
0165052 520406 REPAIRS:VEHICLES $90,000.00
0165052 520700 RENTALS/LEASES $15,000.00
0165052 530210 GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE $288,000.00
0165052 530303 CONTRACTED $239,150.00
0165052 530340 TREE PRUNING REMOVAL $160,000.00
0165052 530804 INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL $45,000.00
Totals: $977,150.00
0165054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $3,750.00
0165054 540210 GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE $229,000.00
0165054 540600 GROUNDSKPNG SUPPLIES $150,000.00
0165054 550203 SCH ATHLETIC EQUIP $12,000.00
0165058 530342 TREE OFFSET $-300,000.00
0165058 580404 IMPROVEMENTS:TREES $300,000.00
Totals: $394,750.00


Planning Department - Total: $1,392,962.00
Supports the Planning Board with its review of new development projects; performs and supports long-range planning initiatives on land-use, housing, economic development, open space, and climate change; administers state and federal grants, including U.s. department of Housing and Urban development (HUd) grant programs.
Personal Services
0117551 510117 HEAD CLERK $63,400.00
0117551 510130 OVERTIME $45,000.00
0117551 510140 LONGEVITY $1,875.00
0117551 510142 EDUCATION PAY $15,123.00
0117551 510193 PREMIUM PAY $780.00
0117551 512014 PLANNING DIRECTOR $159,135.00
0117551 512015 ASSISTANT PLANNER $145,957.00
0117551 512021 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR $112,006.00
0117551 512034 STUDENT INTERN $9,336.00
0117551 512115 OFFICE MANAGER $97,321.00
0117551 512167 OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR-ECON DEV $74,615.00
0117551 512806 PRIN.PLANNER II $90,836.00
0117551 512809 PRINCIPAL PLANNER-11 ECON DEVE $93,578.00
Totals: $908,962.00
0117552 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $500.00
0117552 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $5,500.00
0117552 530302 REGIONAL COMPACT $25,000.00
0117552 530303 CONTRACTED $400,000.00
0117552 530400 COMMUNICATION $15,000.00
Totals: $446,000.00
0117554 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $5,500.00
0117554 550100 EDUCATIONAL SUPPLIES $500.00
0117554 570100 TRAVEL IN STATE $500.00
0117554 570200 TRAVEL OUT OF STATE $4,500.00
0117554 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $24,000.00
0117554 570304 CONFERENCES $3,000.00
Totals: $38,000.00


Police - Total: $41,612,019.61
Protects citizens and aims to attain a high quality of life for all.
Personal Services
0121051 510130 OVERTIME $1,300,000.00
0121051 510131 COURT TIME $593,726.00
0121051 510132 TRAINING TIME $1,300,000.00
0121051 510134 CIVILIAN POLICE OVERTIME $250,000.00
0121051 510135 POLICE MATRONS OVERTIME $70,000.00
0121051 510136 SUPERIOR OFFICERS'OVERTIME $625,000.00
0121051 510139 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE-POLICE $35,135.00
0121051 510140 LONGEVITY $174,900.00
0121051 510141 SHIFT DIFF $3,461,078.00
0121051 510142 EDUCATION DIFFERENTIAL $5,643,106.70
0121051 510150 HOLIDAY(POLICE FIRE) $1,832,244.69
0121051 510151 VACATION PD TERM $505,437.00
0121051 510160 READING TIME $1,244,498.16
0121051 510161 VACATION PD TERM CIVILIANS $86,527.44
0121051 510192 TOOL ALLOWANCE $727.00
0121051 510193 PREMIUM PAY $260,515.00
0121051 512091 OPERATIONS MANAGER/BCI $75,155.00
0121051 512092 LAW ENFORC. INFORMATION SPECIA $150,309.71
0121051 512093 ADMIN. SECRETARY $143,280.00
0121051 512104 POLICE CHIEF $165,083.21
0121051 512123 PRINCIPAL CLERK I $61,256.10
0121051 512124 PRINCIPAL CLERK II $125,766.00
0121051 512129 SR.CLERK TYPIST II $161,302.95
0121051 512132 PRIN. BOOKKEEPER/PAYROLL $82,580.25
0121051 512135 TELEPHONE OPERATOR $882,246.35
0121051 512136 EXEC.SEC.-POLICE CHIEF $79,567.50
0121051 512142 D.P.SYSTEMS ANALYST $128,734.00
0121051 512153 BOOKKEEPER $68,101.80
0121051 512302 TRAF.SIGNAL & COMM.TECH. $43,319.33
0121051 512311 POLICE CAPTAIN $784,356.95
0121051 512312 POLICE LIEUTENANT $1,819,602.72
0121051 512313 POLICE SERGEANT $3,118,840.00
0121051 512315 TRAFFIC SUPERVISOR $589,170.91
0121051 512332 FINANCIAL MANAGER $84,872.00
0121051 512361 PATROLMAN III $14,193,609.72
0121051 512435 WKG.FOREMAN-M.E.REPAIR $86,608.60
0121051 512465 M.E.REPAIR II $72,861.52
Totals: $40,299,519.61
0121052 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $215,000.00
0121052 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $20,000.00
0121052 530207 TRAINING (POLICE) $250,000.00
0121052 530303 CONTRACTED $415,000.00
0121052 530400 COMMUNICATION $122,000.00
0121052 530800 OTHER PURCHASED SERV $40,000.00
Totals: $1,062,000.00
0121054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $25,000.00
0121054 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $10,000.00
0121054 540800 VEHICULAR SUPPLIES $60,000.00
0121054 540900 FOOD SUPPLIES $10,000.00
0121054 550000 SUPPLY:HEALTH/MEDIC. $500.00
0121054 550800 OTHER SUPPLIES $25,000.00
0121054 550805 RECRUIT UNIFORMS $120,000.00
Totals: $250,500.00


Public Buildings - Total: $8,150,974.81
Ensures that public buildings are safe, accessible, and functional. Maintains and improves existing buildings and oversees new construction, focusing on energy conservation.
Personal Services
0119251 510110 SALARY/WAGE PERM $30,000.00
0119251 510130 OVERTIME $350,000.00
0119251 510140 LONGEVITY $5,375.00
0119251 510141 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL $13,594.00
0119251 510189 CLOTHING $32,000.00
0119251 510193 PREMIUM PAY $3,120.00
0119251 510194 LICENSE ALLOWANCE $520.00
0119251 510319 PROJECT MANAGER $90,176.50
0119251 512013 DIRECTOR OF PLANT FACILITIES $127,308.00
0119251 512022 DIRECTOR OF CONSTRUCTION $127,308.00
0119251 512088 DIR OF BUILDING MAINTENANCE $127,308.00
0119251 512089 DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING $128,750.00
0119251 512098 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC BLDGS $180,353.00
0119251 512143 ADMIN. ASSISTANT $184,055.00
0119251 512155 ADMIN ASSISTANT - PBM $65,561.00
0119251 512204 MAINTENANCE STAFF $1,538,885.00
0119251 512454 BUILDING CUSTODIAN $430,164.00
0119251 512455 ENERGY MANAGER $116,999.00
0119251 512456 ENERGY TECHNICIAN $127,308.00
0119251 512460 HVAC TECHNICIAN $198,812.66
0119251 512462 CARP/CABINET MAKER $87,556.00
0119251 512476 SUPERVISOR OF CUSTODIANS $90,477.00
0119251 512859 SECURITY GUARD $81,544.65
0119251 519153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $14,800.00
Totals: $4,151,974.81
0119252 520100 ENERGY $1,350,000.00
0119252 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $117,500.00
0119252 520402 REPAIRS:BUILDINGS $125,000.00
0119252 520700 RENTALS/LEASES $42,000.00
0119252 530303 CONTRACTED $1,800,000.00
Totals: $3,434,500.00
0119254 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $5,250.00
0119254 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $4,000.00
0119254 540500 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES $250,000.00
0119254 540800 VEHICULAR SUPPLIES $20,000.00
0119254 550800 OTHER SUPPLIES $165,000.00
0119254 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $250.00
0119254 570400 INSURANCE PREMIUMS $120,000.00
Totals: $564,500.00


Public Works - Total: $5,810,989.24
Maintains and repairs streets and sidewalks; collects trash; oversees fleet fuel purchasing, snow removal, street sweeping, city drains, and water and sewer division.
Personal Services
0142151 510120 SALARY/WAGE TEMP $15,000.00
0142151 510130 OVERTIME $195,700.00
0142151 510140 LONGEVITY $875.00
0142151 510141 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL $99,538.00
0142151 510142 EDUCATION PAY $600.00
0142151 510149 UNIFORM $6,180.00
0142151 510153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $1,084.00
0142151 510155 1139 PENSION FUND $147,629.00
0142151 510188 MEALS ALLOWANCE $5,000.00
0142151 510189 CLOTHING $46,250.00
0142151 510192 TOOL ALLOWANCE $4,200.00
0142151 510193 PREMIUM PAY $1,000.00
0142151 510194 LICENSE ALLOWANCE $522.00
0142151 510195 PAYMENT-OUT-OF-GRADE $20,763.00
0142151 510196 POLICE DETAILS $10,123.00
0142151 510319 PROJECT MANAGER $20,417.81
0142151 510320 GIS ADMINISTRATOR $21,218.00
0142151 510322 GIS TECHNICIAN $17,239.62
0142151 512016 PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER $180,353.00
0142151 512030 OPERATIONS MANAGER $28,113.85
0142151 512031 PROGRAM MANAGER $112,455.40
0142151 512075 PRINTER/BANK MESSENGER $53,793.00
0142151 512096 ADMIN SECRETARY COMM OF P W $79,568.00
0142151 512112 CITY ENGINEER $34,841.81
0142151 512123 PRINCIPAL CLERK I $26,278.00
0142151 512402 GENERAL FOREMAN $102,122.00
0142151 512403 SUPERINTENDENT $39,783.75
0142151 512405 GEN FOREMAN-M.E. REPAIR $137,995.00
0142151 512410 MASON $326,480.00
0142151 512413 LABORER, MEO $377,966.00
0142151 512415 LAB,HVY MEO I $222,948.00
0142151 512422 SPECIAL MEO,LABORER $380,419.00
0142151 512437 WKG.FOREMAN,SP.MEO $273,543.00
0142151 512447 CARPENTER $63,280.00
0142151 512451 FOREMAN $340,495.00
0142151 512452 FOREMAN, MOTOR EQUIP.REPAIRMAN $86,758.00
0142151 512465 M.E.REPAIR II $216,934.00
0142151 512491 HVY MEO/HIGH PRESSURE MEDIA $69,735.00
0142151 512600 LABORER, GARDENER $280,308.00
Totals: $4,047,509.24
0142152 520414 POT HOLE REPAIR $30,000.00
0142152 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL $3,500.00
0142152 530303 CONTRACTED $350,000.00
0142152 530321 TUB GRINDER/RECYCLE RECOVERY $25,000.00
0142152 530400 COMMUNICATION $3,900.00
Totals: $412,400.00
0142154 540000 SUPPLIES $6,600.00
0142154 540100 TRANSP.SUPPLIES $900,000.00
0142154 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,400.00
0142154 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $60,500.00
0142154 540302 STREET SWEEPING SUPPLIES $64,000.00
0142154 540800 VEHICULAR SUPPLIES $100,000.00
0142154 550000 SUPPLY:HEALTH/MEDIC. $3,000.00
0142154 550300 PUB WORKS SUPPLIES $212,000.00
0142154 570100 TRAVEL IN STATE $1,080.00
0142154 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $1,500.00
Totals: $1,351,080.00


Purchasing Office - Total: $373,488.00
Oversees all purchases made by City and school departments. Facilitates all stages of bids on buildings and non-building construction projects. encourages fiscally sound purchasing policies and ensures that all purchases are made in accordance with state and Federal law as well as all applicable City ordinances.
Personal Services
0113851 510013 PURCHASING AGENT $127,308.00
0113851 510099 ASST. CONTRACT COORDINATOR $70,085.00
0113851 510124 PRINCIPAL CLERK II $60,465.00
0113851 510140 LONGEVITY $2,200.00
0113851 510142 EDUCATION PAY $9,830.00
0113851 510193 PREMIUM PAY $780.00
0113851 512115 OFFICE MANAGER $94,084.00
Totals: $364,752.00
0113852 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $350.00
0113852 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $1,750.00
0113852 530006 PROF.SERVICE:PRINT/ADV. $2,500.00
0113852 530303 CONTRACTED $2,436.00
Totals: $7,036.00
0113854 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $1,000.00
0113854 550104 SUPPLY:GENERAL $450.00
0113854 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $250.00
Totals: $1,700.00


Recreation - Total: $1,314,692.00
Organizes, leads, and conducts recreational programming for people of all ages, interests, and abilities. Assists with the planning and running of special events and celebrations year-round. Conducts prevention programming for teens and young adults.
Personal Services
0163051 510110 SALARY/WAGE PERM $823,217.00
0163051 510140 LONGEVITY $600.00
0163051 510153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $2,120.00
0163051 510189 CLOTHING $500.00
0163051 510193 PREMIUM PAY $780.00
0163051 512018 DIRECTOR OF RECREATION $120,639.00
0163051 512143 ADMIN. ASSISTANT $72,582.00
0163051 512205 SCHOOL CUSTODIAL $61,570.00
0163051 512718 REC. OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR $74,984.00
0163051 512760 REC. PROGRAM COORDINATOR $85,000.00
Totals: $1,241,992.00
0163052 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $1,500.00
0163052 520700 RENTALS/LEASES $6,000.00
0163052 530300 PUPIL TRANSPORTATION $5,000.00
0163052 530500 RECREATIONAL $42,000.00
Totals: $54,500.00
0163054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $3,500.00
0163054 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $2,000.00
0163054 540900 FOOD SUPPLIES $200.00
0163054 550000 SUPPLY:HEALTH/MEDIC. $1,500.00
0163054 550800 OTHER SUPPLIES $10,000.00
0163054 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $1,000.00
Totals: $18,200.00


Reserve Fund - Total: $2,000,000.00
Protects against a potential economic downturns or catastrophic events, or to offset the anticipated costs of post-retirement benefits of retired employees.
0113254 578002 RESERVE APPROP.- STABILIZATION $1,750,000.00
0113254 578004 RESERVE APPROP: OPEB $250,000.00
Totals: $2,000,000.00


Retirement & Pensions - Total: $9,142,431.00
Funds and manages the City's required contribution to the Retirement Board. Quincy's public employees currently pay 9% of their salaries to the public pension system and an additional 2% on salaries over $30,000.
0191154 570900 PENSIONS $9,142,431.00
Totals: $9,142,431.00


Snow and Ice Removal - Total: $2,224,860.00
Funds the cost incurred by the City to plow and salt the streets during winter. This service is overseen by the Public Works Commissioner and provided by a mix of City labor and contracted services.
Personal Services
0142351 510130 OVERTIME $314,706.00
0142351 510188 MEALS ALLOWANCE $10,038.00
0142351 510195 PAYMENT-OUT-OF-GRADE $15,058.00
0142351 510196 POLICE DETAILS $15,058.00
Totals: $354,860.00
0142352 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $190,000.00
0142352 530303 CONTRACTED $1,490,000.00
0142352 539030 POLICE SERVICES $5,000.00
Totals: $1,685,000.00
0142354 540000 SUPPLIES $10,000.00
0142354 540100 TRANSP.SUPPLIES $50,000.00
0142358 580500 ACQ.:EQUIPMENT $125,000.00
Totals: $185,000.00


Tax Title Expenditure - Total: $150,000.00
Funds the process to pursue delinquent property taxpayers.
0115854 570800 UNCLASSIFIED $150,000.00
Totals: $150,000.00


Tourism - Total: $0.00
Promotes visitation and works with the travel industry to drive tourism to Quincy, as well as funds marketing materials aimed at attracting visitors. This department is funded through a room tax paid by guests to the City's hotels.
Personal Services
0112251 510012 DIRECTOR OF TOURISM $111,395.00
0112251 510018 DIRECTOR OF HISTORICAL SOCIETY $100,476.00
0112251 510110 SALARY/WAGE PERM $29,183.00
0112251 512994 HOTEL-MOTEL PERSONNEL OFFSET $-241,054.00
0112252 530303 CONTRACTED $75,000.00
0112252 530331 HOTEL-MOTEL CONTRACTED OFFSET $-75,000.00
0112254 570307 TOURISM EXPENSE $30,000.00
0112254 570308 HOTEL-MOTEL EXPENSE OFFSET $-30,000.00


Traffic Parking Alarm Lighting - Total: $3,722,826.00
Manages traffic signals, street lights, and fire alarms. Also manages all traffic improvements, engineering studies, and public parking.
Personal Services
0126051 510120 SALARY/WAGE TEMP $19,073.00
0126051 510130 OVERTIME $196,216.00
0126051 510140 LONGEVITY $2,450.00
0126051 510141 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL $22,551.00
0126051 510142 EDUCATION PAY $24,839.00
0126051 510147 HAZARDOUS DUTY $37,440.00
0126051 510149 UNIFORM $2,500.00
0126051 510150 HOLIDAY(POLICE FIRE) $41,160.00
0126051 510153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $9,000.00
0126051 510189 CLOTHING $8,760.00
0126051 510193 PREMIUM PAY $1,613.00
0126051 510195 PAYMENT-OUT-OF-GRADE $13,870.00
0126051 510196 POLICE DETAILS $20,600.00
0126051 512030 OPERATIONS MANAGER $95,481.00
0126051 512069 TRAFFIC ENGINEER $137,917.00
0126051 512070 JR. TRAFFIC ENGINEER $175,710.00
0126051 512076 ASST. TRAFFIC ENGINEER $102,088.00
0126051 512077 ELECTRICIAN FOREMAN $107,813.00
0126051 512155 ADMIN ASSISTANT - PBM $69,380.00
0126051 512246 DIRECTOR $159,135.00
0126051 512306 PARKING CONTROL OFFICER $265,520.00
0126051 512307 PKG CONTROLLER SPECIAL CONST $107,033.00
0126051 512316 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE $147,852.00
0126051 512328 ELECTRICIAN $484,342.00
0126051 512443 WKG FORM-LABORER/GARDENER $63,280.00
0126051 512467 SIGN PAINTER $67,703.00
0126051 512988 PARKING RECPT OFFSET $-950,000.00
Totals: $1,433,326.00
0126052 520009 PARK LIGHTING $65,000.00
0126052 520103 STREET LIGHTING $825,000.00
0126052 520415 STREET-LONG LINE MAINTENANCE $60,000.00
0126052 520416 STREET SIGNAGE $35,000.00
0126052 520428 FIRE ALARM REPAIR;MAINTENANCE $31,000.00
0126052 520430 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE $187,500.00
0126052 520431 SIGNAL & ACCESSIBILITY IMPROVE $200,000.00
0126052 520432 PARKING TICKET PROCESSING $50,000.00
0126052 520433 DETECTION/INTERCONNECTIVITY UP $75,000.00
0126052 520700 RENTALS/LEASES $28,000.00
0126052 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $15,000.00
0126052 530343 PARKING GARGAGE OPERATIONS $350,000.00
Totals: $1,921,500.00
0126054 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $5,000.00
0126054 540300 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES $80,500.00
0126054 540303 CROSSWALK PAINTING $110,000.00
0126054 540800 VEHICULAR SUPPLIES $42,500.00
0126054 550300 PUB WORKS SUPPLIES $60,000.00
0126058 580408 BIKE LANE IMPROVEMENTS $70,000.00
Totals: $368,000.00


Treasurer/Collector - Total: $1,353,386.00
Maintains municipal funds and the deposit, investment, and disbursement of these funds. This department collects property taxes and local fees and receipts that fuel the budget.
Personal Services
0114551 510004 TREASURER/COLLECTOR $159,135.00
0114551 510005 ASST. TREASURER $99,050.00
0114551 510006 ASSISTANT COLLECTOR $84,864.00
0114551 510075 PRINTER/BANK MESSENGER $84,088.00
0114551 510117 HEAD CLERK $123,493.00
0114551 510123 PRINCIPAL CLERK I $53,905.00
0114551 510124 PRINCIPAL CLERK II $115,892.00
0114551 510140 LONGEVITY $1,125.00
0114551 510142 EDUCATION DIFFERENTIAL $10,028.00
0114551 510153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $1,670.00
0114551 510552 ACCOUNT CLERK II $98,811.00
0114551 512140 CLERK TYPIST $45,405.00
Totals: $877,466.00
0114552 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $1,560.00
0114552 530000 PROFESSIONAL/TECH $200.00
0114552 530102 BANK CHARGE SERVICE $2,000.00
0114552 530400 COMMUNICATION $450,000.00
Totals: $453,760.00
0114554 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $10,000.00
0114554 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $500.00
0114554 570304 CONFERENCES $7,500.00
0114554 570400 INSURANCE PREMIUMS $4,160.00
Totals: $22,160.00


Unemployment Compensation - Total: $100,000.00
Pays benefits to those laid-off from their City positions. Quincy does not pay into the unemployment system; rather, the City pays the state reimbursement on these costs.
0191354 570702 UNEMPLOYMENT $100,000.00
Totals: $100,000.00


Veterans Services - Total: $1,799,082.00
Provides information and assistance to Quincy's veterans, their dependents and survivors, across the full spectrum of local, state and Federal veteran and military benefits and services. Directs and implements the Mass. Ch.115 financial assistance program. Ensures grove markers and flag installation at all veterans graves.
Personal Services
0154351 510110 SALARY/WAGE PERM $35,135.00
0154351 510130 OVERTIME $7,725.00
0154351 510140 LONGEVITY $2,000.00
0154351 510142 EDUCATION PAY $602.00
0154351 510153 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE $1,506.00
0154351 510193 PREMIUM PAY $792.00
0154351 512093 ADMIN. SECRETARY $135,082.00
0154351 512103 DIRECTOR OF VETERANS SERVICES $120,000.00
0154351 512141 CLERK TYPIST II $48,264.00
0154351 512614 VET.GRAVES REG.OFFICER $66,672.00
Totals: $417,778.00
0154352 520400 REPAIRS:MAINTENANCE $960.00
Totals: $960.00
0154354 540000 SUPPLIES $950.00
0154354 540200 OFFICE SUPPLIES $800.00
0154354 570300 DUES - SUBSCRIPTIONS $1,000.00
0154354 570304 CONFERENCES $2,600.00
0154354 570700 VETERANS' BENEFITS $1,276,994.00
0154354 570705 VETERANS' MEMORIALS & MARKERS $90,000.00
0154354 570706 QUINCY VETERANS COUNCIL $8,000.00
Totals: $1,380,344.00


Worker's Compensation - Total: $1,698,685.00
Investigates claims; represents the City before the Industrial Accidents Board and courts; pays lost wages and medical expenses when appropriate.
Personal Services
0191251 510173 INJURED PAY $752,885.00
Totals: $752,885.00
0191252 530303 ALL OTHERS $92,000.00
Totals: $92,000.00
0191254 570703 WORKINGMAN'S COMP. $853,800.00
Totals: $853,800.00

